Ruck Up Logisitics
Creative Brief:
We are working closely with the largest independent HVAC, Plumbing and Electrical Distributor in the USA. The goal is to deliver proctor through our App to solve pain around the globe felt by small business owners and distributors of goods and services. RUCKUP’s main 1099 contractor pools are military Vets, Active and veteran families and spouses as well as first responders in the areas we service. We are striving to create a paradigm shift to issues in these severely under serviced demographics. We want our logo to be timeless, bold and demanding to anyone that represents her to strive to always
1. Always do what’s right even if it costs us money or it is hard.
2. Answer unasked questions for anyone we serve.
3. Be a business at every level other use as an example or try to copy is their pursuits.

Roughs 2 - 1 & 2 Color Wordmark - Client Source Rough Drafts

Standard Logo Design 3 - Client Roughs
1-3 color designs - Client requests blue and handwritten subhead
You may customize what you see to use any combination of color, logo and font.